
How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

In normal times, AVL provides hightech-solutions for the automotove industry. But the times aren't normal. So, AVL helps in the fight against conrona.
(c) AVL

Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation. This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses their know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.

AVL employees work on creative solutions

“We are Austria’s most innovative company in suite, if you look at patents and utility models”, says Human Resources Manager Markus Tomaschitz, who sees a change in mindset during the past  weeks: “That means we have another chance to do things differently, more creatively. It turns out that customer contact is the key. Before Corona we were very clocked, now we are more selective, that frees up time and energy, gives space to talk about things differently. Our internal ideas system is overflowing and we are already getting positive results from it.”

Face shields, produced by AVL-employees

AVL employees from around the globe have taken it upon themselves to use their knowledge and resources to help in this new time. One of these people is Atul Gupta, a Chartered Engineer, a STEM Ambassador and a Fellow of The Higher Education Academy.

+++More about AVL Creators Expedition+++

He has been with AVL UK for the past four years. And out of that, in April 2019, he started his own venture, BornToBuild Ideas, making education Science Kits to inspire young minds into STEM (Science Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) learning through ‘Make, Learn & Play’. This is used to boost their creativity, cognitive and motor skills. He now works two days a week at AVL and the rest of his time on his own startup.

He utilizes a lot of different machines for this work at his industrial workshop, his work horse being a CNC Laser machine to manufacture the kits. The machine is very versatile and can cut wood, acrylics, plastics, rubber, and a lot of other materials.

Gupta realized that he could easily adapt the machine to manufacture face shields. So he called up his AVL managers Alan Forrest and Christophe Maleyrie, and proposed the idea that AVL and BornToBuild create face shields together. The idea got immediate approval by the MD.

Each face shield has a laser-cut three-piece-headband and a clear visor. It takes three minutes to manufacture and assemble and costs just 30 cents in material. AVL are happily sponsoring materials and finding care homes in need of face shields.

Although the initial target was 200 face shields, the partners have so far manufactured more than 1000 face shields and donated them to the Red Cross, NHS and care homes in order to tackle COVID-19. Additionally, AVL is manufacturing another 1000 face shields for internal staff at test bed facilities.

Atul Gupta, Alan Forrest, Nick Chadwick and Christophe Maleyrie feel quite content delivering face shields to Red Cross and NHS. (c) AVL

Another interesting solution comes from Bill Perry, a mechanical design engineer from AVL. He has been a part of AVL for about two years and has taken it upon himself to help with his 3D printer to produce masks during the COVID-19 crisis. He has been printing face shields from home on a 3D printer to support the national shortage that key healthcare workers have been facing. He has been doing this as quickly as he can outside of his AVL core working hours as he is still working as much as normal from his home office.

AVL’s corporate-startup-collaboration

But what about AVL’s corporate-startup collaborations in these challenging times? After all, many of the startups and strategic partners have shared how great of an opportunity it has been for them to explore additional markets, refine business strategies and have time to thoroughly check internal processes.

So, Creators Expedition has still been in close contact with AVL’s strategic partners while addressing the importance of expanding and continuing innovation at the forefront. With the extra time at Creators Expedition, AVL now has a great pipeline to really push more collaboration in the coming year.

As for the TECC & TACC 2020 programs, they will continue online and resume in person once AVL receives the clear. This has helped keep the students in the program motivated and innovative on their projects for the semester.

Digital work and digital trainings

Additionally, AVL has also adapted its whole working process due to the time of social distancing. “The level of maturity of our organization is also astonishing in this regard – 95 percent of it works really well and smoothly” says Tomaschitz. Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.

Additionally, AVL has turned its internal trainings and academy into a place to stimulate personal growth and learning from home during the COVID-19 times. Offering classes on topics like collaboration in virtual teams and structuring work from home to tips and ticks with Skype business. The company is getting creative with providing as much digital and virtual content as possible to keep the employees informed and educated.

“Engine & Environment” becomes a digital event

Also, the 32nd AVL conference “Engine & Environment” was not held in Graz, Austria, this year, but online from May 25th to May 29th, 2020.  The virtual venue of the renowned trade conference was the thedigitaltrendconference.com platform, resulting in a substantial increase in reach and attracting over 2000 participants from 54 nations.

“A cancellation was out of the question for us,” says Robert Fischer, Executive Vice President AVL: “We were able to convince almost all speakers and keynote speakers to participate in the new, innovative format.” Using this platform, participants could take part in interactive lectures from industry-leading speakers and exciting panel discussions – playable as videos, from anywhere, at any time. The interactive chat function also provided the opportunity to get in touch with speakers in each session. The comments then flowed into the three panel discussions on May 29: a unique, interactive opportunity.

Further information via the Autosport Podcast, in associated with AVL

And finally, the AVL RACING podcast partnership with Autosport. After the successful launch in 2019 with impressive feedback and interest from the industry the first episode with AVL RACING guest speakers this year was released at the beginning of May. The topic covers the importance and value of simulation, which is one key element in racing in general, but especially at the moment. With the current situation forcing all motorsport to temporarily pause, is there a virtual way for the drivers to remain sharp? When the season gets underway, how do the teams use simulators to improve those driver skills to gain an advantage over their competitors?

These and many other questions will be answered by Michael Peinsitt, Skill Team Leader and Guillermo Pezzetto, Global Product Manager from AVL RACING

The podcast channel is now continuously increasing in importance as an effective channel to entertain people spending time at home. The next one is already in the planning phase. It will highlight the crucial position of a braking strategy in racing. While Autosport is based in London, the AVL guest speakers are forced to make it work by recording remotely at the moment.

The podcast is available via this link.

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vor 54 Minuten

Neuer Spinoff-Leitfaden soll Österreichs Ausgründungen verdoppeln

Langsam, intransparent, unattraktiv: Was akademische Ausgründungen betrifft, hinkt Österreich im EU-Vergleich hinterher. Daher wurde ein Spinoff-Leitfaden für Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen vom Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung initiiert und finanziert. Dieser wurde heute veröffentlicht.
vor 54 Minuten

Neuer Spinoff-Leitfaden soll Österreichs Ausgründungen verdoppeln

Langsam, intransparent, unattraktiv: Was akademische Ausgründungen betrifft, hinkt Österreich im EU-Vergleich hinterher. Daher wurde ein Spinoff-Leitfaden für Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen vom Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung initiiert und finanziert. Dieser wurde heute veröffentlicht.
Sie stellten den neuen Spinoff-Leitfaden im Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung vor: Christine Ruckenbauer, Martin Polaschek und Werner Wutscher (v.l.n.r) (c) brutkasten

Ein „Kochrezept“ nennt Werner Wutscher vom Startup-Rat den neuen Leitfaden für Hochschulen und außeruniversitäre Forschungseinrichtungen. Gemeinsam mit Bundesminister Martin Polaschek und Spinoff-Gründerin Christine Ruckenbauer stellte er die zehn Empfehlungen vor; die Institutionen sollten selbst entscheiden können, welche Ingredienzien davon für sie relevant seien. Das Ziel ist Teil der FTI-Strategie des Bundesministeriums: Doppelt so viele Spinoff-Gründungen bis 2030. Um das zu erreichen, sollten Unis gründungsfreundlicher werden – der Leitfaden sei hierfür „eine Empfehlung, wie das möglichst gscheit wäre“, so Wutscher.


Mit den zehn ausformulierten Empfehlungen plädiert man vor allem für eine Forcierung von Entrepreneurship und klare Gründungprozesse an den Institutionen. Spinnoffs zu fördern, sollte in der Gesamtstrategie der Institutionen verankert sein, dafür sollten auch eigene Anlaufstellen eingerichtet werden. Um die Ausgründung zu beschleunigen, sollte außerdem ein schablonenartiger Ausgründungsprozess definiert werden, vollständig mit Musterverträgen und einem Zeitrahmen. Der Leitfaden enthält konkrete Vorschläge für Rechtsformen sowie für die Beteiligung von den Institutionen an den Spinoffs; Hier werden Lizenzgebühren von zwei bis fünf Prozent der Umsatzerlöse beziehungsweise Unternehmensanteile von fünf bis 20 Prozent vorgeschlagen.

Die Forschungsinstitutionen sollten ihre Spinoffs außerdem bei der Investmentsuche unterstützen. Damit soll auf das europaweite Problem eingegangen werden, dass Scaleups vermehrt aufgrund von fehlender Folgefinanzierungen abwandern. Außerdem sollten die Institutionen selbst Daten erheben, um die Prozesse weiter optimieren zu können. Nicht zuletzt solle auch daran gearbeitet werden, mehr Gründungsfreude zu kommunizieren. Besonders anregen wolle man Bereiche der Geistes- Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften, auf die man „lange nicht so geschaut hat“, wie Polaschek einräumte.

Mit Spinoff-Leitfaden gegen ernüchterne Lage

Für den Leitfaden haben Stakeholder des Spinoff-Ökosystems seit letztem Jahr gemeinsam mit 80 Vertreter:innen von Hochschulen und außeruniversitäre Forschungsinstitutionen Daten zur Gründungsfreundlichkeit erhoben und ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse sind ernüchternd: Während der Ausgründungsprozess im Ausland meistens unter einem halben Jahr dauert, brauche man in Österreich elf Monate.

Grund dafür seien intransparente Ausgründungssysteme und fehlende Unterstützung. Etwa 90 Spinoffs werden pro Jahr in Österreich gegründet, keine beeindruckende Zahl angesichts des akademischen Potenzials. Aus ökonomischen Kreisen vernimmt man immer wieder die Hypothese, man brauche für mehr Gründungsfreude mehr Spitzenuniversitäten – brutkasten berichtete. „Da will ich heftigst widersprechen“, so Wutscher. Die Forschungsleistung sei nicht das Problem, sondern der Transfer von Wissenschaft zu Wirtschaft.

Empfehlung statt Gesetz

Der Leitfaden wurde von keinem eigenen Fördertopf begleitet. Die Umsetzung der Empfehlungen sollte laut Bildungsminister Polaschek von den 16 Milliarden Euro finanziert werden, die den Hochschulen im Zuge der Leistungsvereinbarung für die nächsten drei Jahre zur Verfügung gestellt werden. „Da sind die Universitäten gefordert, darüber nachzudenken, wofür sie dieses Geld einsetzen“, so Polaschek.

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AI Summaries

How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

AI Kontextualisierung

Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Innovationsmanager:in?

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

AI Kontextualisierung

Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Investor:in?

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

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Welche Relevanz hat der Inhalt dieses Artikels für mich als Politiker:in?

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

AI Kontextualisierung

Was könnte das Bigger Picture von den Inhalten dieses Artikels sein?

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.

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How automotive supplier AVL gave its solutions a new purpose during the corona crisis

  • Crisis creates opportunity for growth, change, new technology and innovation.
  • This is also the case with the high-tech automotive supplier AVL, where change is business as usual: The international company uses the know-how and resources from several departments and partners around the world to contribute during the corona crisis.
  • Also, AVL has adapted its internal processes to facilitate collaboration.
  • Among other things, the company has created the platform AVL4you.com to facilitate collaboration during the crisis: This new platform went live during the crisis with great initiatives to engage with employees at home during the pandemic.
  • And a new podcast gains in popularity.